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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 67-18 Adopts 1967-1968 budget Special
Ord. 67-17 School fund appropriation Special
Ord. 67-15 Not adopted
Ord. 67-14 Amends 1966-1967 budget Special
Ord. 67-13 Amends 1966-1967 budget Special
Ord. 67-12 Not adopted
Ord. 67-11 Zoning for visitor accommodations Special
Ord. 67-9 Approves lease agreement with Alaska Title Guaranty Company Special
Ord. 67-8 Establishes hospital advisory board Not codified
Ord. 67-7 Adds prior code §§ 57.10.010 and 57.10.020, disbursement of moneys Repealed by Ord. 79-23
Ord. 67-6 Amends prior code § 69.10.060(h), sales tax returns Repealed by voters 10/6/87
Ord. 67-5 Adopts prior code Not codified
Ord. 66-26 Not codified
Ord. 66-16 Not codified
Ord. 65-35 Property taxes; mobile home sales Codified
Ord. 65-18 Repealed by Ord. 79-23
Ord. 65-17 Planning commission Codified
Ord. 65-12 Repealed by voters 10/6/87
Ord. 65-9 Repealed by Ord. 86-036
Ord. 65-8 Repealed by Ord. 86-098
Ord. 64-22 Repealed by Ord. 86-098
Ord. 64-7 Redemption, sale and repurchase Codified
2004 Code 2004 Codified