4.112.090 Responsibilities and duties.
The responsibilities and duties of the Trails Advisory Commission will be as follows:
A. Inventory and review the current trails within the Borough and make recommendations to the Mayor concerning present and future needs;
B. Review all state and Borough land disposals and make recommendations to the Mayor in regards to trail needs and trail routing;
C. To provide a forum for citizen input into the trails assessments and needs for the Borough and to advise the Mayor of these findings;
D. To encourage public and private subdividers to incorporate a trail system where needed on a voluntary basis. Such trails will be laid out following property boundaries, section lines, and public rights-of-way;
E. The trails commission shall replace the duties of the Parks and Recreation Commission in regards to trails and the Borough trail system;
F. The Trails Advisory Commission shall work within the parameters of the Fairbanks North Star Borough policy on recreation trails, and shall from time to time review that policy and recommend any changes to the Mayor;
G. The Trails Advisory Commission shall provide initial review of proposed amendments to the comprehensive recreational trail plan and shall make a recommendation to the Planning Commission and Borough Assembly on such proposed amendments. (Ord. 2016-44 § 2, 2016; Ord. 80-27 § 2, 1980. 2004 Code § 2.62.090.)