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A. The Chair of the Committee of the Whole shall be the Deputy Presiding Officer and shall preside over all meetings of the Committee of the Whole, setting its agenda, and organizing the annual legislative priorities procedures for the Borough.

B. Legislative Priorities.

1. The Mayor and Assemblymembers shall submit to the committee annually recommended changes in state or federal law on or before the agenda setting of the second committee meeting in June. The committee will forward a recommended resolution of the annual recommended changes in state or federal law to the Assembly for public hearing and adoption in or before August.

2. The Mayor and Assemblymembers shall submit to the committee annually recommended capital and programmatic requests to include but not be limited to a subset of the most recently approved Capital Improvement Program projects on or before the agenda setting of the second committee meeting in October. The committee will forward a recommended resolution of the recommended capital and programmatic requests to the Assembly for public hearing and adoption in or before November.

C. Assembly Legislative Liaison and Alternate.

1. The Presiding Officer shall appoint one member of the Assembly as legislative liaison and one member of the Assembly as an alternate legislative liaison. The alternate shall perform the duties of the legislative liaison if the legislative liaison is not reasonably available to personally perform said duties.

2. The Assembly legislative liaison shall coordinate with the administration and Borough lobbyist on legislative strategy, provide state legislative and funding direction, attend legislative hearings, and travel as needed during the legislative session. The liaison shall notify the committee and administration in the form of a memorandum of any direction provided or requests made during session. (Ord. 2023-52 § 3, 2023.)