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A. The assignment of street addresses shall follow the standards set forth in this chapter as closely as possible. For addressing circumstances not specifically described in this chapter, the department may adopt additional standards as necessary to promote public safety.

B. Street address assignments and corrections may be initiated as follows:

1. Applicant Initiated. To request a new street address or address correction, a property owner or their representative shall submit a street address application approved by the department and an addressing site plan. The director will review the application and assign or correct the street address using the principles and methods in this chapter and based on information provided in the application. If access to an improvement changes significantly (e.g., a new driveway access is constructed off a different named road) or access point moves by more than 16.5 feet, the owner shall initiate a correction. If the owner does not initiate a correction then the Borough may initiate a correction.

2. Borough Initiated. If the director concludes that an existing street address assignment could delay, or actually has delayed, an emergency response to a 911 call location, the Borough may require a street address assignment or correction in conjunction with the local fire, emergency medical, or law enforcement AHJ. In order to minimize the disruption of the owner’s or resident’s commercial and personal business the effective date of an addressing change under this subsection may be delayed up to a maximum of one year.

C. Street addressing shall be done in accordance with the principles and methods herein:

1. Street addresses shall only reference named road centerlines and shall not reference unnamed thoroughfares such as alleys, ramps, or frontage roads. Nominal street addresses may be assigned to non-road thoroughfares (e.g., rivers) if the assignment serves a public safety or an owner’s personal use interest and the location is not accessible via a road. The thoroughfare name and location must be recognized in FNSB GIS or the USGS Dictionary of Alaska Place Names.

2. Road centerlines shall be based on the most recent recorded plat, if any, and adjusted in accordance with constructed roads as depicted on the most recent aerial imagery. Street address numeric ranges (left-from, left-to, right-from, right-to) and odd-even parity shall be assigned to the constructed road centerline segments.

3. Road centerline numeric ranges shall be based upon the Fairbanks meridian for east/west numbering and the Fairbanks base line for north/south numbering, unless an historical numbering scheme already in use in the area prevents this. Numeric ranges shall be assigned to be east/west (or north/south) numbering based on the general orientation of the road centerline starting at the end of a road centerline closest to the meridian (or base line) with a value equal to the distance in feet from the associated meridian (or base line) divided by 16.5 and continue at the rate of one number every 16.5 feet along the road centerline path.

4. Street address numerics shall be assigned based on the information in the street address application and associated addressing site plan. The street address numeric shall be interpolated from the location of the access point with respect to the address range and parity assigned to the road centerline segment that the driveway intersects at the point of access.

5. Street address numerics shall be limited to non-zero positive integers greater than or equal to 100, unless an existing number pattern dictates the use of numbers between 1 and 100. Address numeric ranges on the north and east side of any road centerline shall be assigned an even number, unless the opposite convention is currently in use in the area. Address numeric ranges on the south and west side of any road shall be assigned an odd number, unless the opposite convention is currently in use in the area.

6. Sub-addresses shall consist of an assigned sub-address type (allowed are: APT, RM, UNIT, TRLR, LOT, SLIP, BLDG, STE, SPC, CABIN, OFC) and an assigned sub-address identifier (non-zero positive integers or English alphabet characters). Sub-address identifiers shall be assigned in a left to right order as viewed from the associated driveway unless another system is currently in use.

7. Residential or commercial structures with three or more dwelling units or commercial units shall be assigned one street address with associated sub-address for each separate dwelling or commercial unit designation (e.g., Apartment 1, 2, 3; Suite 101, 102; Room A, B, C, D, etc.).

8. In the case of multi-floor buildings, the sub-address identifier shall reflect the floor numbering system in use in the building. For example, sub-addresses on the first floor shall be numbered: Unit 101, 102, etc., second floor sub-addresses shall be in the two hundreds: Unit 201, 202, etc.

9. Structures with multiple entrances may receive a street address for each primary entrance and shall reference the named road centerline providing access.

10. Street addresses shall only reference a recognized, named road centerline. A separate official private road name is required for any unnamed road or driveway that provides access to five or more residential or commercial structures, or a driveway longer than 1,000 feet and providing access to three or more residential or commercial structures.

11. Street addressing assigned by the Borough shall supersede any street address noted on condominium plats.

D. The property owners or occupants of a dwelling unit or commercial unit who have been assigned a street address have the responsibility to obtain and display in a prominent manner the correct numeric characters corresponding to the assigned address in accordance with the following:

1. The characters shall be a minimum of two and one-half inches in height and made of durable and clearly visible materials which provide a distinct contrast to the background on which the numbers are posted in night and day conditions. Reflective backgrounds are preferred.

2. The street address sign(s) shall be placed at conspicuous locations which are visible from the thoroughfare that the assigned street address references. Where the structure is not visible from the thoroughfare, the street address sign shall be placed at the intersection of the driveway and the named road providing access. If necessary to prevent confusion, additional street address signs may be placed at forks along the access road and near the entrance to the structure. (Ord. 2022-66 § 2, 2023; Ord. 2017-12 § 2, 2017.)