Title 18 ZONING
This title is included in your selections.
- 18.04 Definitions
- 18.08 Comprehensive Plan
- 18.12 General Provisions
- 18.16 Zoning District Designations
- 18.20 OR Outdoor Recreational District
- 18.24 OSB Open Space Buffer District
- 18.28 RA-40, RA-20, RA-10 and RA-5 Rural and Agricultural Districts
- 18.32 RF-4 and RF-2 Rural Farmstead Districts
- 18.36 RE-4 and RE-2 Rural Estate Districts
- 18.40 RR Rural Residential District
- 18.44 SF-20, SF-10 and SF-5 Single-Family Residential Districts
- 18.48 TF Two-Family Residential District
- 18.52 MF Multiple-Family Residential District
- 18.56 MFO Multiple-Family Residential/Professional Office District
- 18.60 LC Light Commercial District
- 18.64 GC General Commercial District
- 18.68 CBD Central Business District
- 18.72 LI Light Industrial District
- 18.76 HI Heavy Industrial District
- 18.80 ML Mineral Lands District
- 18.84 GU-1 General Use District
- 18.88 GU-5 General Use District
- 18.92 Overlay Designations
- 18.96 Supplementary Regulations
- 18.100 Department of Community Planning
- 18.104 Amendments, Changes and Procedures
- 18.108 Nonconforming (Grandfathered) Uses and Lots
- 18.112 Enforcement and Penalties
- 18.116 Amnesty Relief
- 18.120 Geometric Standards